
Artefacto puts real augmented reality in your cardboard glasses

So far you had heard about Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, but applications running on those devices were limited to immersion into a virtual world. That was before…

cardboard réalité augmentéeARTEFACTO has adapted on Cardboard one of its real estate development applications, usually offered on tablet. This application can now be used from a smartphone, inserted in glasses Cardboard type glasses. The innovation resides in the interactivity with the 3D model (augmented reality, real time 3D visit and 360 ° views) : tactile interface is replaced by eye-controlled interactivity.


This solution is already very attractive as proven by the strong interest among our customers. Indeed the advantage of cardboard is that it becomes a promotional item (it can be branded), it is compatible with any smartphone and can be cost-effectively offered for free, all for even more baffling experience.

One more “UP! innovation” made in ARTEFACTO !